Your personal information, like your name, email address or postal address, phone number or bank account number will only be used to process your purchase and giving you the best shopping experience on the internet. We will not (and will never, ever) offer to sell or rent the personal data you provide to us or any other third party. Contact information such as the number of your phone or email address will only be employed in situations where there are questions or clarifications regarding your orders and purchasing demands. You are also able to reduce and restrict your personal information in our database at any point. To do this navigate to \”My Account\”.

What kinds of data are collected?

We collect information from you when you register on the site, place an order, participate in any contest or sweepstakes, respond to a survey or message, for example E-mail or other features on the site.

If you register or order We may request for your name, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, credit card numbers or other information. It is possible to access the site without revealing your identity.

How do we use your information?

In the following manners you can be a part of the information we collect from you when you register, purchases, contests or promotions, your responses to surveys or marketing materials, browsing the website or by using other functions that are available on the site:

It is possible to personalize and tailor your experience on your website as well as get access to content and offers specific to what is important to you.

To allow us to better service you when it comes to responding to questions about customer service.

To quickly process your transactions.

It is possible to use the website to administer a survey, promotions or, if wish to, you can create a competition.

How do we protect visitor information?

We employ a range of security measures in order to ensure the safety of the information you provide us. The information you provide us is kept in secure networks that are only accessible to a small amount of people who have special access rights to such systems and who must keep the information private. It is possible to access and make orders via a secure website. Secure Socket Layers (SSL) are used to send sensitive information, like number of your credit card. This information is encoded and sent into our databases.

Changes to Our Policy

If we choose to alter our privacy policies, we will post those modifications to this webpage. All policy changes are only valid for information that was collected prior to the date the change.

Feedback and questions

Please send us any questions and comments, or any concerns that you have regarding privacy. Let us know your thoughts on privacy or other issues.

You agree

If you use our website, you consent to our privacy policies.